Attention Red Shirts:
Chapter wide emails, will come from
Bastardos Dinners emails come from
If you are not receiving emails from either (and wish to), kindly email the respective address and ask to be added to the list.
Both of these addresses may need to be white listed to ensure communications do not end up in your spam folder.

In an effort to keep our records current, and ensure you receive all of the important information you desire,
consider that you might need to Update Your Contact Information!

If you have updated your contact information and white listed the emails as outlined above and you still aren’t receiving emails, let us know.

Attention Blue Shirts:
You must register as a Poor Blind Candidate (PBC).
You must review the Rubric & memorize Pledge prior to your initiation.
You must also pay the Rub.

ECV 1.5
PO Box 296
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

ECV 1.5
PO Box 61321
Santa Barbara, CA 93160